Monday, March 17, 2014

How to Respond to 'Illegal Operation' Errors in Windows

1. Write down the error message. It may be something like 'MSGSRV32 Caused GPF in CM8330SB.DRV'. You will need this message if you use the Windows Troubleshooters or if you have to contact a technical support person.
2. Write down what you were doing at the time the error message occurred. For example, were you shutting down the computer? Installing new software? What software was running at the time the message occurred?
3. Try closing the software application you were using at the time. If it is frozen, use the keyboard command Control+Alt+Delete. Select the frozen program from the menu that appears, then click Close. Try reopening the program to see if the problem has been corrected.
4. Try rebooting your computer. If possible, close all open programs. From the Start menu, click Shut Down, then Restart. When the computer restarts, check to see if the problem has been corrected.
5. From the Start menu, click on Help. From the window that opens, select the Contents tab. Click on Troubleshooting, then on Windows 98 Troubleshooting. Select the activity that matches what you were doing when the error message occurred. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
6. If all else fails, contact your computer vendor or your technical support person for assistance. You will need the error message and the list of activities that you were doing at the time the error occurred.

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