Thursday, March 20, 2014

How to Change Security Settings on System 32 Files

1. Double-click the 'My Computer' icon on the Windows desktop. If you have Windows Vista or 7, the icon is labeled 'Computer.' In the window that opens, double-click the 'Windows' directory. Within this directory is the System32 directory. You can set security on the entire directory or double-click this directory to set security on individual operating system files.
2. Right-click the System32 folder or a file within the directory. Select 'Properties' from the menu options. In the new window that opens, click the 'Security' tab. This displays a list of users that have permissions on the folder or file.
3. Click a username in the list box to edit the permissions. Click the 'Edit' button. A window opens with a list of permissions for the user. Permission options range from read-only to full control of the file or folder. Users with full control can read, edit and delete the file.
4. Check the 'Allow' box next to the permission to give access to the user. Check the 'Deny' button to restrict the user. For instance, click 'Deny' next to the 'Full Control' option to restrict the user from deleting the file.
5. Click the 'Ok' button to save the changes. You can repeat these steps for each user to specify individual access control to the System32 directory files.

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