Monday, March 17, 2014

How to Correct an Error Code 1402 From Blocking Software Setup

Finding the Container
1. Print a screen shot or write down the complete error message following the word 'UNKNOWN.' Check the numbers and remember to include the backslash ('\') separating the two long sets of numbers.The error code will look something like: 'UNKNOWN\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\C9AE13788D0B61F80AF18C3B9B1A1EE8\5076482617627454ba548d4cc39b3b7c,' except that the two long sets of numbers at the end will be different than this example.
2. Backup the Windows Registry file. This is best accomplished by backing up the entire folder 'C:\Windows\System 32\Config.' To backup only the Registry, from the Start Menu, Run command, type 'Regedit' and press Enter. From the RegEdit File menu select 'Export' and save the Registry to a new folder, preferably on a drive other than C:. Close RegEdit.
3. Log on as 'Administrator' if administrator privileges are not part of the current user's permissions. From the Run command window, restart RegEdit.
4. Navigate to the Registry container 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components.'On some computers, S-1-5-18 may have a different set of letters or numbers. The simplest method is to press the '+' sign on 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE' followed by pressing the '+' in front of 'Microsoft,' then the '+' in front of 'Windows.'Continue through the Container path until the '+' in front of 'Components' has been clicked.
5. Scroll down the list of binary codes appearing under 'Components' until finding the code matching the first set of numbers in the error code. Highlight this Registry code.
Changing Permissions
6. Right click on the selected Registry Code and select 'Permissions' from the shortcut menu.
7. Click 'Add' and add four accounts if not already displayed: 'Administrator,' 'Administrators,' 'Users' and '[Your account name].' One at a time, select each account and click the check box to 'Allow' each account user 'Full Control.'
8. Click the 'Advanced' tab opening the 'Advanced Security Settings' window. In the 'Permissions' tab, underneath the account pane, check the box in front of the line 'Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object.' Click the 'Apply' button.
9. In the 'Owners' tab, check the box in front of 'Replace owner on subcontainers and objects.' Press the 'Apply' button. Exit each open window by clicking the 'OK' or 'Close' button, depending on which displays.
10. Right click on Setup.exe on the software's installation disk or folder and select 'Run as Administrator.' Reinstall the program.

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