Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My eMachine Won't Boot

Change BIOS Boot Order
1. Turn on the eMachines computer.
2. Look at the first screen that displays when you turn on the computer. Right below the eMachines logo, you will see a message that indicates the keyboard key used to enter the BIOS setup. In many cases, this will be the 'F2' key.
3. Press the indicated key to access the BIOS. Use the 'Arrow' keys on your keyboard to select 'Advanced BIOS Features' and press the 'Enter' key.
4. Highlight 'First Boot Device' by using your arrow keys. Use the 'Page Up' key to cycle through the available options and choose 'CDROM.'
5. Highlight 'Second Boot Device' by using your arrow keys. Use the 'Page up' key to cycle through the available options and choose 'HDD.'
6. Press the 'F10' key. This loads a Save and Exit dialog. Press the 'Y' key to save your changes and close the BIOS.
Windows Vista and 7 Boot-Related Errors
7. Turn on your computer and insert the Windows installation disc into your DVD drive.
8. Press any key on your keyboard when prompted to do so to boot from the disc.
9. Select your language preference on the Install Windows screen and click the 'Next' button at the bottom.
10. Click the 'Repair your computer' link at the bottom of the Install Now screen. This loads a System Recovery Options dialog window.
11. Click the 'Next' button at the bottom. This loads a list of recovery options in a dialog box.
12. Double-click 'Startup Repair' to initiate the repair process. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process and remove the disc from your drive when completed.
Windows XP Boot-Related Errors
13. Turn on your computer and insert the Windows XP installation disc into the CD\DVD drive.
14. Press any key on your keyboard when prompted to do so to boot from the disc.
15. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard once the Welcome to Setup screen appears.
16. Press the 'F8' key on the Windows XP Licensing Agreement screen. This takes you to a Windows XP Setup screen.
17. Press the 'R' key on your keyboard to initiate the Windows XP repair process. Follow the on-screen instructions and remove the disc when the repair has completed.

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