Monday, March 10, 2014

How to Stop 100 Percent CPU Usage

1. Right-click on any open space on your computer's task bar and click 'Task Manager.'
2. Select 'Task Manager' and press 'Enter.'
3. Select the 'Processes' tab and click on the 'CPU' column header. This will put the processes in the order of what is using the most processing power that what is using the least.
4. Look for any program that is using the majority of your processing power. If it is a program you installed and not a system program, right-click the program and choose 'End Process.'
5. End the processes of other non system programs if the issue persists. Do not end the process of system functions or you computer will no longer function.
6. If ending processes does not help, reboot your computer to fix the problem.
7. If rebooting does not help, perform a system restore by clicking the Windows 'Start' menu, typing 'restore' into the Search field, and clicking 'System Restore' from the search results. Follow the prompts to restore your system files to an earlier restore point.

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