Friday, February 28, 2014

How to Upgrade Windows x32 to x64

1. Back up personal files and folders to another drive, another computer or some sort of external media. Insert your installation disc into your computer and restart.
2. Press any key to boot from the DVD when you see the message asking you to press a key to boot from DVD.
3. Click 'Next' on the installation screen. Click 'Install Now.' Put a check in the 'I accept the license terms box' and click 'Next.'
4. Click 'Custom (Advanced)' for your installation option. Although you are upgrading from an existing version of Windows, you cannot use the upgrade installation to switch from a 32-bit to a 64-bit operating system, so a clean installation is needed. Select the hard-drive partition which has your current Windows installation loaded. Click 'Next.' The Windows installation process will format that drive for you. Advanced formatting and partitioning options can be accessed through the Advanced Options section if you want to repartition the hard drive. Click 'Restart Now' when prompted.
5. Input an account password and password hint if needed. Click 'Next.' Type the product key found on your installation disc's packaging. If you can't find your key, leave this field blank and click 'Next.' You can enter the key after the installation process is complete.
6. Change the date, timezone and time if needed and click 'Next.' Choose your network type: 'Home,' 'Work' or 'Public.' Click 'Next' to finish the installation and boot into Windows.

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