Friday, February 28, 2014

How to Find Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks Hidden on Your Computer

In Windows Vista and Windows 7
1. Click on the 'Computer' icon in the 'Start' menu or double-click on the 'Computer' Desktop icon.
2. Double-click on the 'OS (C:)' icon.
3. Double-click on the 'Users' folder icon.
4. Double-click on the folder icon that corresponds to the Windows user account name whose Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks you are attempting to locate.
5. Double-click on the 'AppData' folder icon.
6. Double-click on the 'Roaming' folder icon.
7. Double-click on the 'Mozilla' folder icon.
8. Double-click on the 'Firefox' folder icon.
9. Double-click on the 'Profiles' folder icon.
10. Double-click on the 'xxxxxxxx.default' folder icon (where 'xxxxxxxx' represents a random string of eight characters that differs on a computer-to-computer basis).
11. Double-click on the 'bookmarkbackups' folder icon. This folder contains a number of dated .json files, which themselves contain your bookmarks.
In Windows 2000 and Windows XP
12. Click on the 'My Computer' icon in the 'Start' menu or double-click on the 'My Computer' Desktop icon.
13. Double-click on the 'Local Disk (C:)' icon.
14. Double-click on the 'Documents and Settings' folder icon.
15. Double-click on the folder icon that corresponds to the Windows user account name whose Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks you are attempting to locate.
16. Double-click on the 'Application Data' folder icon.
17. Follow the steps described above for Windows Vista and Windows 7, starting at Step 7.

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