Friday, February 28, 2014

How to Delete a Symbolic Link in Windows 7

1. Click 'Start' > 'All Programs' > 'Accessories' > 'Command Prompt.'
2. Type 'drive_letter:' at the command prompt and press 'Enter' to navigate to the drive on your computer where the symbolic link that you want to delete is present. Replace 'drive_letter' with the letter of the drive where the symbolic link is present (for example, 'C'). If the symbolic link is present in a folder within this drive, then go to Step 3. Otherwise, skip to Step 4.
3. Type 'cd folder_name' at the command prompt and press 'Enter.' Replace 'folder_name' with the name of the folder where the symbolic link is present (for example, 'cd myfiles').
4. Type 'del 'symbolic_link_name.lnk'' at the command prompt and press 'Enter.' Replace 'symbolic_link_name' with the name of the symbolic link that you want to delete. Note that there should be quotes around the symbolic link name (for example, 'del 'file1.lnk'').

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