Friday, February 28, 2014

How to Delete Software Distribution Folders

Set Folder Options
1. Right-click the Windows “Start” button and click “Explore.” Windows Explorer will launch.
2. Click “Tools” on the top navigation bar in Windows Explorer.
3. Click the “Folder Options” link.
4. Click the “View” tab.
5. Check the checkbox in front of “Display the content of system folders.”
6. Check the checkbox in front of “Display the content of system folders.”
7. Uncheck the checkbox in front of “Hide extensions for known file types.”
8. Uncheck the checkbox in front of “Hide protected operating system files.”
9. Click “OK.” Folder options are set for viewing system and hidden files and folders.
Delete Software Distribution Folder
10. Navigate to the Software Distribution folder in Windows Explorer. This folder is located under the “Windows” folder in the left-pane folder structure in Windows Explorer.
11. Double-click the “Software Distribution” folder to show all files in the right pane of Windows Explorer.
12. Drag the mouse over all files in the Software Distribution folder. All files will be highlighted.
13. Right-click on the highlighted files and select “Delete” from the context menu, or press the “DEL” key on the keyboard.
14. Click “OK” to confirm the deletion of the files.
15. Right-click on the “Software Distribution” folder in the left pane.
16. Click “Delete.” The folder and all files are now deleted.

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